Salted caramel frost ♥


°1 c brown sugar

°1/2 c cubed butter

°1/4 c milk

°2 1/2 c sugar powder

°1/4 tsp sea salt (or 1/8 teaspoon table salt)

°Decorating bags

°2D Wilton Decorating Tip


* Methods 

In a heavy saucepan, mix the brown sugar, butter and milk.

Cook and simmer until brown sugar dissolves.

Heat up to medium. Don't move.

Cook for 3-6 minutes until the bubbles form in the center of the pan or the mixture turns into amber.

Remove from heat and transfer the caramel mixture to a small bowl.

Cool to room temperature.

Add the caramel mixture to the blender.

Gradually mix the icing sugar until combined with the right cream and texture.

Add sea salt (as desired)

Enjoy !